Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Max is 3 months Old

Our little man is already 3 months old. We have found that he is beginning to laugh and smile a lot during his wake time. He even giggles when you tickle him under his chin and on his cheeks. What a sweet baby! He is completely on formula now and seems to be doing pretty well. While he is still only eating 2 oz at a time and still eating every 2 hours throughout the day. I added a little rice cereal into his bottle, in hopes he'll start to get more full off his 2 oz bottle. Nights are definitely getting easier. He goes to sleep around 9pm and we usually keep him out with us. We wake him by 11:30pm to eat his last bottle and off to bed we go. He sleeps in his bassinet in our room until about 5-6am, then wakes for another bottle and back to bed for another 1-2 hours (depending on our morning routine). He is doing well and is definitely becoming a little person of his own. The pictures above show him at 3 months (top), 2 months (middle) and 1 month (bottom). What a growing little man we have!